A LEFTWICH schoolgirl has been hailed a hero after spotting a kitchen fire in a house where the occupants were sleeping.

Emelia Sweeney, aged seven, from Leftwich Primary School and her friends had been playing outside their home in Cockington Close.

She ran screaming for help after spotting the chip pan fire, in Cockington Close.

Her dad Terry and his friend Steve Drinkwater kicked in the kitchen door and managed to put the flames out.

Occupiers Louise Harradine and Barrie Street have praised and thanked Emelia, Terry and Steve.

Louise said: "If it hadn't been for Emelia and the fact the kids were playing out we wouldn't be here today.

"The kids have saved our lives. We couldn't be more grateful."

The drama began last Sunday at around 10.30pm when Louise said she put the chip pan on to have a meal.

Barrie was asleep and she lay down beside him and also fell asleep.

Barrie said: "The next minute we could hear everyone shouting.

"I opened the door and there were flames and smoke everyone.

"We were panicking. The alarm was going off. The kids were shouting."

Emelia's Mum Donna said: "She came screaming that Louise's kitchen was on fire.

"I saw Terry and Steve disappearing into the flames and smoke through the back door. They managed to get a huge sheet to cover the pan and put the fire out before the firefighters arrived."
