a reason to celebrate

THE anxious wait for GCSE students of all ages was over last week as the moment they had been waiting for arrived and their results were released.

Hundreds of pupils returned to schools and colleges across Vale Royal to collect the all important brown envelopes and learn their fate.

Cheshire County Council believes there is reason to celebrate as the early indications are that Cheshire schools look set to surpass the council's target of 61 per cent of youngsters achieving five or more grades A to C, one year earlier than expected.

Director of education David Cracknell said: "While each year it becomes harder to improve on previous high levels of achievement, I'm delighted to say Cheshire not only appears to have maintained the momentum, but looks set to register results which, taken together, are higher than the LEA target.

"Although provisional, many schools are reporting results which meet or exceed their individual targets. Some schools are even reporting their best GCSE results yet."

"These results represent a great deal of hard work and dedication on the part of our pupils. We are all extremely proud of them.

"Teachers, support staff and parents also deserve our congratulations for the support they have given our hard working youngsters. Without them none of this would have been possible."

Individual stories of brilliance have been widespread, however the performance of 75-year-old pensioner Joan Barnes, of Alderley Road, Winnington is inspirational.

Joan, who studies at Mid-Cheshire College secured an A* in GCSE English. At school more than 60 years ago, Joan described herself as very shy. She said: "We had to give a presentation for the GCSE, something I would never have been able to do in the past, so I did it on shyness. Now I don't mind speaking in public because it doesn't matter if you make a fool of yourself once you reach my age."
