A SCIENCE group that started in a Knutsford woman's living room has become so popular that the members now gather at a multinational company's offices.

Hundreds have now joined the North West Science Alliance, which began last year as six people meeting in Lorelly Wilson's home in Glebelands Road.

"I think we're a bit too big to meet at my house any more," said Mrs Wilson, who lectures at Manchester University.

Mrs Wilson held meetings for up to eight members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science North West at her house until last year.

However, as group secretary the chemistry expert soon noticed that other organisations such as the Royal Society for Physics were holding similar meetings.

"Many groups were doing the same thing and we wanted to bring all those people together," she said.

The North West Science Alliance was formed in April last year and members now often meet at global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca's offices to discuss ideas and share information. "What we want to do is bring science to the forefront of learning," said Mrs Wilson.

"People quite cheerfully admit that they don't have an understanding of science, but anyone who does cooking actually deals with a lot of chemistry."

One of the group's main achievements was setting the Guinness World Record for the tallest ever model of a DNA molecule.

About 3,000 school children made more than 300 pieces for the tower from chemists' molymod pieces and Mrs Wilson and two colleagues constructed the 40ft column.

"It was the anniversary of the discovery of the shape of DNA last year so we thought it was quite a neat idea," said Mrs Wilson.

Francis Crick, who led the discovery of the DNA structure, also contributed a piece to the 1,800-plus atoms that made the model.

The first event staged by the science alliance - Science on Sunday - will take place on September 7 at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.

For more information about the event or the group visit www.sciencealliance.org.uk or email wilson.underwood@lineone.net