CHAMPAGNE corks were popping in Northwich on Saturday as the Guardian hosted its sixth annual Rosebowl Awards night.

The prestigious event was held at Northwich Memorial Hall, courtesy of Vale Royal Borough Council, and was hosted by Glyn Hellam and Richard Kelsall, who attended the vast majority of the amateur dramatic performances being judged on the night.

The evening got off to a real bang - quite literally - when a curtailed performance of Romeo and Juliet by the Harlequins theatre group was heralded with a loud gunshot.

It was an exciting way of starting what turned out to be a very exciting evening for amateur dramatics in Vale Royal.

After the performance, the first set of awards were handed out - and met with whoops and claps of support from the captive audience.

After the interval, Vale Royal Amateur Operatics Society kicked off the second half with excerpts from its award-winning production of My Fair Lady.

The night was rounded off with the presentation of the coveted Rosebowl award by Guardian editor Keith Morris.

And Sue Chatt, who helped co-ordinate the whole event, was also presented with a bouquet for her efforts.

Keith said: "It's always a delight to see the joy and enthusiasm with which the Rosebowl is received.

"Each of the winners deserved their moment in the spotlight for all their hard work and effort over the season.

"It's a matter of fact that the standard of entry is getting higher and higher with each year and the talent and professionalism is there for everyone to behold.

"I'd like to thank everyone who supported the event this year and wish all the amateur dramatic groups in Vale Royal the very best for the next season."

Each winner received a bottle of champagne courtesy of Bargain Booze, 435 London Road, Davenham. The spotlight - and other lighting - was provided by Andrew Little and his team and the stage plants were provided by the Hidden Nursery.