TATTON Park is a splendid place, but during the recent hot weather there seemed to be something missing - somewhere outdoors to swim.

I used to live in London and often frequented the Women's Pond at Hampstead Heath.

It lies at the end of a winding country path and, due to the ban on radios and mobile phones, was always a peaceful retreat from the stress of living in a city.

It is a quiet and unthreatening place where women can relax, unwind, chill and, if brave enough, take a dip in the pond.

It's just a thought, but has Tatton Park ever considered creating a Women's Pond similar to the one at Hampstead Heath? Okay, so Lord Egerton would probably turn in his grave at the thought of all those scantily-clad women lounging about in his back garden.

But it would be a wonderful addition to Tatton's facilities - and I'm sure an attraction to women from miles around.


