COME to Frodsham Carnival on Saturday, September 6.

The gates open at 12.30pm with an entry cost of £2 for everyone over the age of seven.

From 2pm the Carnival Arena is the main location of entertainment.

Acts like the Mighty Smith, a strong man and Peterkin the fool will provide entertainment.

The Cheshire Rural Touring Network Photographic Exhibition can be found inside.

Youngsters aged 12 to 16 will be competing against each other in the new challenge, Gladysater, with cash prizes to win.

If you would like to take the challenge then contact Dave Mullin on 07768-866758.

For refreshments, the beer hall will be open from 1pm-7pm and the Carnival Caf, from 12noon. The day will end with a firework display set to music at 9pm.