JUMPING into freezing water in November is just one memory that a Market Place reader has about his time at a vocational school in Northwich.

Bryan Owens, of Moss Terrace, left Barnton Brunner Secondary Modern School when he was 15 and spent about seven months at the ICI vocational school in Winnington.

Mr Owens said: "It was an establishment set up by ICI for lads when they left school.

"We went there for about six months and we learned different trades and ICI then had people they could call on as apprentices as electricians, process workers, carpenters."

"The director of the school was Dr Muir Smith and it was run a bit like an army place and was quite strict and in the mornings we had to get up and everybody had to do polishing or cleaning."

"And we had a PE teacher, Cooper, and on November 1 he would take us to Marbury baths and make us jump in and it was cold I can tell you."


Those attending the school did earned a wage of about five shillings a week.

People from all over Northwich went to the school, some left to pursue other careers and other stayed on as employees for the company.

Mr Owens also did a national certificate in electrical engineering on day release from the school.

The picture above is of some of Mr Owen's friends at the vocational school in the mid 1950s.

He found the picture in a bible he was given when he left.

Can you see yourself or someone you know in the picture?

If so give please contact Market Place on 01606 43333 or email jdriscoll@guardiangrp.co.uk.