VANDALS have again struck at Mesnes Park, less than a week after rangers set to work repairing damage caused in last week's rampage.

In the earlier attack, the vandals caused £2,000 damage; 10 trees were ripped up, shrubs were destroyed and the entrance gates wrecked.

Rangers immediately set to work clearing the mess and then last week the culprits struck again, this time attacking the pavilion.

St Helens Borough Council is currently working with the police and studying CCTV footage in an attempt to identify those responsible.

Newton West councillor Sandra Banawich said: "The park is a much used and much loved public amenity in Newton and I hope these vandals can be identified and fully punished.

"You only need to take a walk around the park to see just how well used and appreciated it is by all age groups. The rangers do a fantastic job at making the park a welcoming place and they have our full support."