Christian Ewen

HOW apt that The Bluetones' new single is entitled Never Going Nowhere.

Back in the Britpop days, they were just another guitar band doing the rounds and taking their chances, one of the faceless types unfairly thrown in with the likes of Menswear and Powder.

How triumphant it is then that not only have they managed to outlive the legions of non-entities that reared their mop-topped heads during Britpop, they've stubbornly continued to do their own thing, oblivious to new music trends and fashion styles.

The Bluetones are here to stay and this more than 'slight return' to form is an infectious track wrapped up in a bittersweet four minutes.

Driven by sparse drums and a highly prominent bassline, the wry lyrics as always are worth attention, focusing on everyday matters like keeping thoughts in little boxes.

Mark Morris' heartbreaking mantra, 'I don't love you anymore' is delivered in a tone that suggests he's about to crack before breaking into a defiant chorus. Enjoy this band while they're still around.