DRUNKEN yobs marred Crewe Carnival on Saturday as police made several arrests during its crackdown on anti-social behaviour.

A total of 12 men and two women were arrested and charged on Saturday night for public order and criminal damage offences in the second successive Operation Yellow Card in the borough.

Head of the operation Inspector Christine Morrall was disappointed that a small minority behaving anti-socially had soured the carnival atmosphere.

She said: "It was a shame that the carnival atmosphere was being spoiled by a few drink-related incidents.

"I am pleased that we were able to respond quickly and ensure that people could enjoy the evening."

It was a quieter night for the specially trained Police Support Unit on Friday in Nantwich, with just two arrests being made.

One man was charged with being drunk and disorderly and another for carrying an offensive weapon and offences connected with a serious assault on a 35-year-old local man.

Both men were detained in cells at Crewe police station.

Insp Kathy Wright said: "Nantwich does not have a great problem regarding public disorder, but there are always a small number of people whose anti-social behaviour causes problems for others.

"The operation has been welcomed by both the licensees and visitors to the area."

The operation is moving across Cheshire throughout the summer in a bid to make sure that people who want to spend leisure time in town centres are free from the fear of violence and intimidation.

Police in charge of the scheme have hailed it a success with 32 arrests being made over the four nights and said they have received a warm welcome from people of all ages.