IN SEVERAL recent issues of the Warrington Guardian I have read the whinging remarks by councillors regarding the state of both railway stations in the town, and that they hoped the companies awarded new franchises would do some remedial work on the said stations.

In a later issue I read what funding was now to be made available for a new state of the art bus station to be built, when the slight problem of an access bridge is sorted out.

Suddenly, pots and kettles spring to mind!

Because, until this mind blowing, all-singing, all-dancing bit of kit gets itself off the drawing board, I suggest that these whinging set of cronies get off their shiny backsides and go and take a look at the present facility that is an excuse for a bus station.

This place has not been on the map for anywhere near as long as the two railway stations, but at least they look tidier than the bus station.

The bus parking bays are strewn with litter, mainly end of ticket rolls, and the windows nearly act as mirrors, they are that filthy.

Before you start moaning about other companies' neglect, put your own house in order and have some civic pride at least, but no doubt you will pass the blame for the state of the bus station onto somebody else.


A very regular traveller

Address supplied