I CAN'T believe what some of your readers have been saying about St Helens being part of Greater Liverpool. More to the point is what they have been saying about Liverpool people. It's like racial abuse.

I lived in Liverpool for 22 years and then moved to Ashton in Makerfield and then onto Garswood and have been in this area for 28 years.

However, I still consider myself as a Liverpudlian, as indeed I should and I am extremely proud that my roots are in Liverpool. I suppose some of your readers would say that I should go back to Liverpool but this is my home now and this is where I have brought my family up.

I have worked in St Helens for many years and I know only too well what a lot of St Helens people think about us 'Scousers' that we are scallies etc. I can assure you that the majority of Liverpool people are not.

We are good hardworking individuals and the majority of us do not 'chew small stones' as stated by Sintelliner (Dear Star, August 7). I am outraged by what I have been reading in your paper recently.

NORMA (full name and address supplied)