I AM writing to express my disgust over an incident that although primarily my fault makes me question the priorities of police constabularies throughout this country.

I have just received through the post notification of my having committed a speeding offence. This is not the central issue here, and I accept full responsibility for my actions.

However, what does annoy me is that on the same weekend I was the victim of a robbery in which all the tools of my trade were stolen. When talking to the police (Cheshire Constabulary) I was told that I would be contacted within three working days in order that I might give an account of what had been taken. This begs the question of if I can't tell them there and then, assuming that they were going to pursue various lines of inquiry, how would they know what to look for? Upon mentioning this, I was told that this was the procedure and that was it.

A few years ago, my wife, on her way to the bank, had her handbag snatched with not only a considerable sum of money in it, but also cherished possessions and personal effects. It took the police (Merseyside in this instance) 30 minutes to cross from the station to the shop where the incident took place.

So, getting back to my motoring offence, am I to assume, along with a lot of other people, that motorists are regarded as easy pickings and that the police don't care if there are no 'brownie points' in it for them?

M. Davenport, Merseyside (full address supplied).