TWO passengers were hurt during separate incidents in which thugs launched bricks that shattered bus windows.

A passenger suffered neck injuries when he was struck by a brick that a yob hurled at the No.24 bus window when it was travelling along Crossley Road, Thatto Heath.

And in the same week an 18-year-old woman passenger was hurt when another vandal aimed at missile at the 196 bus on Upland Road, Grange Park.

During the first incident, the vandal flung a missile that smashed through a window before striking the man. Ambulance crews took the victim, who is believed to be aged in his early 30s, to Whiston Hospital.

His injuries were not thought to be serious.

In the second attack a young boy signalled to the driver of the bus to stop.

As the bus slowed he then launched the brick, which shattered the window.

The teenage victim suffered minor injuries and was treated by ambulance crews.

Derek Bowes, commercial manager for Arriva North West, said: "It seems incredible that anyone could be mindless enough to throw anything at a moving vehicle and we would urge anyone with information about those responsible to contact the police."

The 24 bus service - travelling from Sutton Manor to St Helens town-centre - was struck at 10.30pm on Wednesday, August 6.

The 196 service was targeted at about 11pm on Tuesday, August 12.

Anyone with information can contact police on 0151 777 6969 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.