SUSPECTED criminals from Warrington, Widnes, and Runcorn, released from a proposed custody suite on a remote industrial estate, will be tempted to steal a car to get home.

That's the fear of Daresbury councillor Martin Moylon, just one of hundreds opposing Cheshire Constabulary's plans for a 34-cell block near Manor Park, Runcorn.

Protesters are astonished the force wants to build the jailhouse in an area notorious for its poor public transport links.

Residents from nearby Sandymoor have formed an action group to fight the proposals, deluging Halton Borough Council with hundreds of protest letters and e-mails.

A stormy public meeting took place on Tuesday night between community leaders and police.

Clr Moylon says there is already "inadequate policing" in the area.

"Most nights there are a maximum of four cars covering Widnes and Runcorn. At least if there was a police station next door it would have officers coming and going.

"Down in Sandymoor buses are few and far between and there is no chance of a taxi for someone if they rang up saying they had just been released from the cells."

Added Clr Moylon: "So how are people going to get back from Sandymoor to Warrington - they are going to pinch a car."

Police say the privately-run jailhouses - two more are planned for Middlewich and Blacon - will free up frontline officers for duty.

And despite prisoners being released from cells at Warrington's Arpley Street station day and night, police claim this is not usual policy.

Custody project head, Chief Insp Dave Bertenshaw, says current cell blocks cannot meet demand.

He said: "This is not going to Alcatraz or Risley, it's designed to look like ordinary police premises. People are not released at all times of the day and night. We don't release people at night as a general rule."

Halton councillors will decide on the plans in October.