THE St Helens Branch Royal Air Forces Association will be holding its annual dinner on Saturday, September 6 at the Unison Social Club, Bishop Road, St Helens.

The Mayor of St Helens Cllr Leon McGuire will be guest of honour.

This year the Royal Air Forces Association commemorates its 60th Anniversary, providing 60 years of comradeship and care.

After the dinner the members, friends and guest will be dancing to the Norman Roy Orchestra.

On Sunday, September 14 the Association will be holding its Battle of Britain Parade and Service.

They will be marching from the RNA Club Volunteer Street to Parish Church, St Helens lead by the Bootle ATC Corps of Drums.

The parade will form up at 2.25pm to arrive at Parish Church at approximately 2.45pm for a service at 3pm. The Mayor will again be in attendance.

After the service the parade will march back to the RNA Club via the Cenotaph where they will hold a short wreath laying ceremony.

After the parade there will be light refreshments at the RNA Club and the Mayor will present the Stand Fairclough Trophy to a cadet from one of the branches adopted ATC Squadrons.

Any ex-service personnel who would like to be part of the parade are more than welcome to take part.

Any ex or serving members of the RAF, WAAF, WRAF or Royal Observer Corps, are more than welcome to join the St Helens Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association. They meet on a Tuesday evening at the RNA Club, Volunteer Street at 8pm.

If you are at a loose end missing the comradeship that you had in the services why not go along and find out what they are about?

There is a friendly crowd there to meet you whether you were a regular, National Service or VR. You are more than welcome.

If you haven't been in the forces but would like to help the Association fulfil its aims you are more than welcome to become an Associate Member.

Or if you would like more information about the Branch why not give Chairman/Hon Secretary Rick Notere a call on 01744 606397.