COUNCIL bosses are hoping a new classroom strategy will benefit hundreds of dyslexic schoolchildren.

As part of St Helens Council's plan to help children with the condition, a St Helens Policy for Dyslexia is to be launched. The strategy has been developed by headteachers, teachers, and educational psychologists.

According to the council, the guidance contained in the new document marks a very positive development for teaching dyslexic pupils.

Plans are also in place to introduce a 'Dyslexia Friendly' School kite mark. This will be awarded to schools that meet the standards for "effectively including youngsters with dyslexia". New training will be introduced by the council to help schools achieve this.

Councillor Alma Atherton, Executive Member for Lifelong Learning, said: "This new development is excellent news. It will be of great value to youngsters who suffer from dyslexia and will help them to progress at school and make the most of their education. A lot of work has gone into developing this policy. I believe it will have a great impact on the overall rate of illiteracy in the borough over the next 10 years".

The new policy will be launched at St Helens Town Hall on Friday, September 26.