A MAN is appealing for witnesses to a motorway collision that has left him without the use of his hands.

Daniel Bennett, aged 30, spent nine days in Warrington Hospital and underwent four operations when doctors pinned metal plates in both his wrists.

The IT manager, from Surbiton in Surrey, was involved in a crash when his motorbike collided with a removals van on the M62, near junction nine at Winwick.

Mr Bennett, who now faces an indefinite period of physiotherapy, says that his memory of the accident is very sketchy, due to his head hitting the other vehicle.

He is now going through a painful recovery and both he and his wife, Jennie, are appealing for witnesses to the accident, which happened on Monday, July 28, at around 9.15am.

Mr Bennett told the Guardian that he is worried that he may never regain full use of his hands.

"It's very frustrating not knowing what happened and knowing that I am not going to be riding a motorbike again," said Mr Bennett.

Mrs Bennett commented: "Apart from motorbikes, which are his passion, he plays guitar and loves badminton and squash but he won't be doing these again in a hurry, if ever.

"He can't even pick up his one-year-old son at the moment."

Mrs Bennett has asked police to put up a sign on the motorway, asking people if they remember the incident, but they have refused.

She has written to the Chief Constable of Cheshire, saying that she will pay for the sign herself as she feels that they need to find out exactly what happened so that they can get on with their lives.