A HARD-hitting road safety video has been employed by police to remind parents about the importance of ensuring that children 'belt up' when travelling by car.

Officers from Warrington Road Safety Partnership carried out seatbelt spot checks on vehicles near Gulliver's World theme park in Westbrook on Tuesday and Wednesday.

As the Guardian went to press, 60 motorists had been caught out. While the majority ensured that youngsters were wearing belts, often the driver or front seat passenger fell foul of the law.

Offending drivers were given the choice of paying a fixed penalty fine or watching a video containing graphic images of the effects of car crashes.

Sgt Ian Stott, of Warrington Road Safety Partnership, said: "It was encouraging to see that the majority of child passengers were correctly restrained.

"However a significant number of adults, particularly drivers, were not."

The aim of the initiative was to educate parents and guardians about the importance of ensuring that children in their care wear seatbelts when travelling.

"It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that any passenger aged under 14 is wearing an appropriate child restraint or an adult seatbelt," added Sgt Stott.

"We would ask parents and guardians not only to make sure that children are secured at the start of the journey, but that they remain vigilant throughout to make sure that children stay secure."