ANGRY residents barricaded a Latchford street with wheelie bins in protest last week because refuse collectors were not emptying their bins.

Residents living on Kingsway South and Powell Street blocked off the entrance to Powell Street with 17 full wheelie bins on Friday.

Blockade organiser Alan Lloyde, of Kingsway South, told the Guardian that the bins had been awaiting collection for two weeks.

He said that, before their protest, he had been told that residents would have to wait another week before they were emptied.

He added: "The whole area is up in arms! It's about the fourth time that this has happened in six months. We have seen rats, maggots and all sorts, it's disgusting!"

The bins were emptied on Friday afternoon as police and protesters watched over the scene.

Alan Fitzpatrick, refuse services manager, said: "Due to parked vehicles on Powell Street, we have great difficulty gaining access. It has been possible to collect the rubbish most weeks, although this has sometimes had to take place on a different day to the usual collection day. If a collection has not been possible during a week, a double collection has taken place the following week."

He also said the council is now looking into various possibilities to improve access on the street.