A DOCTOR Who fanatic has just returned from a convention where his home-made Dalek took centre stage.

Peter Trengove, aged 24, of Cynthia Avenue, Woolston, decided to embark on the mammoth task of creating a life-size, 5ft 7in Dalek nine months ago for the Dr Who convention held at Longleat.

Equipped with a special voice modulator, giving it the ability to utter the immortal line 'exterminate', Peter's tin man was a star attraction at the event.

Peter, who has cystic fibrosis, said: "Ironically it took me nine months from start to finish to complete the Dalek, the same time as a pregnancy and I really did feel like I had created something."

The model will mainly be used for fundraising purposes and conventions. It will also feature in a film Peter is working on.

He is currently in the process of completing his first Dalek book, where he combines the traditional tale of timelords with cystic fibrosis.

Once published, he hopes it will help raise much needed cash for cystic fibrosis charities.

Former Doctor Who stars Colin Baker, who played the sixth doctor, Sophie Aldred who played Ace and John Leeson, the voice of K9, were all at the event and passed glowing praise on Peter's Dalek, one of 15 at the convention.

Peter became a fan of the time-travelling doctor as a child and admits that certain scenes certainly left an impression. He said: "I remember watching it as a child and being quite disturbed by some of the Dalek scenes. I found them quite gory and they stayed with me into adulthood."