A WARRINGTON woman has spent only nine days with her American husband because of immigration red tape in Manchester and Chicago.

But Beverley and Lynus Bessette are now enjoying their delayed honeymoon with Beverley's two daughters Kirsty and Chloe in Orford.

The couple married in the States in April following a whirlwind romance over the Internet but after returning to the UK to collect the girls, Beverley, aged 30, was stopped on her way back into Chicago Airport and sent home.

Beverley, of Derek Avenue, feared she wouldn't see Lynus again, because he suffers from a heart condition that makes it dangerous for him to fly, and the couple spent the next four months speaking to each other on the phone for up to 16 hours a day.

Lynus has now braved the long haul flight from Boston and arrived in Manchester last Tuesday to be reunited with his family but the couple are still battling against immigration problems.

Lynus, a 44-year-old truck driver from Southbridge, Massachusetts, said: "We decided that because things hadn't worked in America we would try England but it's just as difficult.

"I was put in a glass room on my own as soon as I got off the plane and wasn't allowed to see Beverley or the children.

"All I wanted was to spend quality time with my family but I was forced to play the waiting game."

Beverley added: "We just wish someone would give us an answer because we've been told so many different things that it's getting ridiculous."

Lynus is scheduled to head back to the States at the beginning of October but once he leaves England he is afraid that he won't be able to return.

Applications for the correct visas and permits take several months and they are being given conflicting advice with each phone call.

Lynus said: "I'm worried that if I do go home then I will be stopped from coming back and we'll be apart again.

"So we're trying to make the most of every second and every minute together before we are separated again."