A HIGH-level access road is now wanted by shopping centre bosses for motorists attempting to reach the soon-to-be-revamped Golden Square.

If the proposals are passed, a new entrance will be built off Midland Way, linking the expressway to a circular ramp leading to a rooftop car park above the newly-reconstructed centre.

Only traffic travelling from Cockhedge Green island towards Crosfield Street will be able to take advantage of the new ramp.

But drivers leaving the complex will be able to turn left or right on to the same road.

Because of the changes, further alterations have been made to the access arrangements for the eastern side of the development.

Previously two right- hand turn lanes were scheduled, out of Legh Street on to Midland Way, and a new junction connecting Kendrick Street to the expressway was set to be opened.

Instead vehicles will be allowed to turn both left and right on to Midland Way, with an access road running in the opposite direction, allowing access to a 500-space basement car park underneath the shops.

Altrincham-based transport consultants Symonds, in a report for Legal and General presented to the council, say this option will lessen the impact on Legh Street, which is home to a number of historic buildings including Ebenezer Chapel and the old Warrington Baths.

Next Wednesday night detailed planning approval is being sought from councillors for the design elements of the retail part of the Golden Square plans.

The highest parts of the development, principally the car parking sections, are now located more centrally within the site, away from the Legh Street frontage.

Still central to the bid is a department store in the north-east corner of the site, which is set to be taken up by Debenham's.

Another planning application will be made at a later date for the proposed bus interchange, off Winwick Street.