WITTON'S first match post Benny Phillips ended with a resounding victory which speaks volumes about the character of the current playing staff.

During Phillips' final few games in charge the side had lacked a cutting edge, but on Saturday, with Brian Pritchard and Brad Sandeman taking charge of first team affairs, that edge was back and on display for all to see.

The 3-1 victory was a massive turnaround for the club after three straight defeats and only two goals.

The revival began almost immediately after the kick off with the players showing far more passion than of recent weeks and Albion could have been 2-0 up after 15 minutes with Simon Burton twice going close.

But they had to wait until the 43rd minute for the first goal which was scored by Burton after two attempts.

Ferriby equalised on the stroke of half time but Witton refused to lie down and face defeat again and came back stonger in the second half.

Mike Moseley added a second goal after 57 minutes, following good work from David Eaton and Eaton himself rounded off the scoring with a minute to go.