I sit in a development circle at my local church. I really enjoy it and I'm writing to you to see if you can give the group a new lease of life, with different exercises we can do.

There are different levels of mediumship in the group. I would be very grateful if you could help me.

Gillian, Ayr

Dear Gillian,

I have attended many development classes over the years, all doing different things. One which I would say is my best class is this.

This was done on a regular basis at a home circle. It's called the electric chair, we used a dining chair. One person is sent out of the room, while another person is picked to sit on the chair. The person outside is supposed to connect with their guides and any family or friends of the sitter.

You are then called back into the room everyone as moved around the room so you don't know who was sat on the electric chair.

You sit on the chair and you link in with your guides and give off a message, to whoever. You then say who the person was who was sitting there, and what they were feeling and thinking.

It's quite difficult, because you sit with your back towards everyone and the teacher would look at the person that was sat in the chair for yes or no answers with out the person talking.

When you become so advanced with this method you can pickup on the essence of the person, and pick up a person who is sitting in there original seat at the beginning of this exercise. Why it called the electric chair is, one night we had a new person and the teacher said lets get the electric chair out - to the shock of this person.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cable off the kettle, and hung it round the back of the chair and walked in with it. We all thought it was quite funny at the time - till this lady never turned up again.

Also do psychometricy with pebbles off a beach untouched by human hands, each member pick one hold then place on a table, then each member pick from table and do a reading.

Check my web site for new lessons.