My boyfriend of two and a half years and Ihave just broke up. We are still best friends and still want very much to be together. However, I am 24 and he is 38 and he does not want to have any more kids. I don't know for sure that I want kids, but I am not ready to say I never want them. He is moving to Chicago next week and I am a mess. I am afraid that if I let him go I won't find someone that I am so compatible with in every way. He is my best friend and more, and I really don't want to lose him. I already feel lost and alone without him. Any advice?

Lindsay Brown, Denver, Colorado

Dear Lindsay, He is already going to Chicago so whatever you say may not change that. You need to believe that what he is doing is right for him and you now have to find the right path for you. He has said that you will still be friends so you must take that friendship for now and don't ruin that by making him make the decision to stay for your feelings. I feel that you have a close relationship with him and the sadness that you are carrying with you is not being missed by him. You need to become independent, as he is, and start making major decisions which will improve your life and encourage better relationships with other people, who also will be close and compatible to you and your life. Look around they are there.