Missing my brother

I recently lost my older brother in a tragic accident, and I miss him so much and I can't handle things at home anymore. Everywhere I look I see things that remind me of him so much and I just want to see him. Please can you help me? I know some people might think me silly in asking this, but is there any way of contacting him that you can tell me of?

Nadine, Dundee

Dear Nadine, All those objects will be a comfort to you soon and you will be able to lose a few as the pain decreases with time. All the tears have been seen and all the anger too, he is there and in time you will realise this because you will survive. We all have to go through this, no matter who we are. I believe in life after death and regularly see my father in readings and I can also smell him and sense him. I even see the odd piece of clothing around in the corner of my eye, but it still scares me to think how I am going to be when my mum passes away. Likewise with my sisters and brothers. Will my faith in life after death make me grieve any less? I don't know and I am not looking forward for the test but I have to go through it - it will be the turning point for me and my faith. I believe that your brother is with you now as you read this message as he was with me as I wrote it. Keep your faith and it will help you through this.