Is our little angel ok?

I have emailed you before and I would just like to know if my little girl, Lili-Anne, is ok in heaven. We lost her in January 2003 due to her having spina bifida. We found out when I was 20 weeks pregnant. I would just like to tell my little angel that mummy and daddy love her and miss her. Please let me know if she is ok.

Julie, St Helens

Dear Julie, I know that you e-mailed me before but sometime I get so many e-mails that it's quite difficult to link with every spirit to answer the question, and to understand an answer from them. She is being taken care for by a lady on the other side who is saying 'she is here and I am with her'. Don't worry but she is also talking about someone in the family that has a problem that you should all rally round. I'm getting the impression that this lady feels that you should not worry about your daughter now, she is ok with her, worry about the people still around you on the physical earth plane who need help. I know it's harsh but that the way its coming across to me.