Dear James, My parents separated when I was in my teens, while my dad was at work. I had to choose there and then. Anyway, my dad moved on with his life happily, I think, but just as he achieved happiness he drowned while out fishing. My question is did he ever know how sorry I am for the choice I made and that I loved him?

Sharon, Dublin

Dear Sharon, We all make choice in our life that can sometimes affect others. He made the choice to leave, you had no choice, he knows that. Don't think or feel that you are not loved by your Dad as he knows you love him. How he died, although it was tragic, he was happy in the end and I feel there was thoughts of seeing you again as well as the respect and pride he had for you. He now can look over your shoulder whenever he wants and he can help and encourage you through your life to achieve whatever you want. Be sure he is with you and loves you.