Dear James, My fiance and I have been dating and planning for our wedding for at least five months now. We decided on May and I was happy with that. But just last night he came to my apartment and said that we needed to break up.

He claimed that he had prayed and that we were not to be together. He said how much he loved me, but that we just couldn't date and marry each other. I expressed sorrow and asked if he was sure. He said he was quite sure and then we talked for a few hours, cuddled and enjoyed each other's company. I love him with all of my heart, but I strongly feel he will come back to me. We were supposed to go on a trip to Colorado this weekend and he still wants me to go. Should I give him space or go with him? He also is showing very strange and erotic behaviour, his words and actions don't meet breaking up. Will we get back together? Is this just a sign of cold feet?

Sarah, Salt Lake City

Dear Sarah, Who is new in his life that is taking the attention from you? Don't be used. Stand your ground. If it is cold feet talk to him about it and ask him who he has been talking to.