GOLFERS in Northwich are being warned to be on their guard against opportunistic thieves who have been targeting clubs around the town.

Police are appealing for information to track the thieves down following a spate of incident involving golf equipment being taken from cars parked at club car parks.

They are being targeted through high-level police patrols and the Automatic Number Plate Recognition system, which tracks criminals using the county's roads.

But police are also urging golfers and golf club owners to do their bit to tackle the thieves.

Detective Inspector Andy Southcott said: "We would ask golf club owners to look at the access routes to their clubs.

"By installing key card facilities on their gates, CCTV systems at key locations and better lighting they could dramatically cut the amount of thefts taking place on their premises.

"Similarly, golfers need to take better care of their equipment, or they risk losing it.

"Never leave expensive golf clubs or equipment on display, park in a well-lit area and always keep your car keys on you.

"We are appealing to anyone who is approached by someone they believe might be trying to sell stolen golf equipment to get in touch with Northwich CID on 01606 48000 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."