I COULDN'T believe I read the headline 'On his way out' in the World today.

It is the news that hundreds of Vikings fans have been waiting for - what lay ahead for Phil Cantillon.

I know that the fans out there will be extremely disappointed at this announcement.

I really don't know what Neil Kelly is thinking of in letting the fan's favourite player go.

Cantillon opens up the game when he comes onto the pitch and as Barry McDermott commented on Sky Sports the other week, he is Widnes' danger man.

Cantillon even got a standing ovation at the Huddersfield game before he had scored the two tries that turned the game around.

A lot of fans think that it's a case of his face doesn't fit.

What a great loss for Widnes. Thanks Phil for what you have done for the Vikings.

Cathy Davies, a disappointed Widnes fan,

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