HALTON'S Community Safety Partnership has agreed to take part in a Home Office initiative aimed at gaining assurance from local authorities that they are making steps to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The scheme, called the One Day Count, asks all crime and disorder reduction partnerships to count the number of anti-social behaviour-related incidents reported to them, from hoax calls to criminal damage and vandalism.

The data will then be used to create a snap-shot of how much anti-social behaviour is reported to the public services - such as the community safety team.

The Home Office will then publish an action plan for tackling anti-social behaviour in October.

The crackdown on anti-social behaviour in Halton has already made an impact in securing convictions.

With the help of police, there have been two anti-social behaviour orders enforced and various other efforts made by the CPS to make Halton a safer and more attractive place.

Andy Pownall, community safety co-ordinator for Halton, said: "The Crime and Disorder Partnership is keen for Halton to participate in this scheme and provide some helpful information for the Home Office.

"Future funding for projects that focus on reducing anti-social behaviour might depend on our involvement in the One Day Count, therefore a form has been provided to all relevant staff to keep a record."