A DEGREE is a passport to a rewarding career despite fears of student debts, it has been claimed.

Paul Grainger, principal of Widnes & Runcorn College is urging parents to encourage their teenagers to go to university.

He said: "It is crucially important that parents do all they can to help their sons and daughters in getting to university.

"Higher education gives young people access to interesting and rewarding careers."

He fears some parents may be worried by national newspaper headlines of 'spiralling debts' and 'a flagging post graduate employment record'.

The knowledge and skills required by complex professional jobs in the future, he stressed, will only be available to those who continue to higher education.

"Those who don't could find themselves trapped in low skill, low prospect and monotonous jobs," said Mr Grainger.

"Further learning and study is the way forward and can be culturally rewarding as well as making youngsters more aware of their civic responsibilities."

With many undergraduates facing annual debts of up to £7,000, he advises students to seek employment.

"Many students at this college have supported themselves through their study by a reasonable level of employment. The experience of work is also helpful in preparing a full CV and obtaining suitable employment after graduation."