HUNDREDS of Winsford residents were left without water for hours on Sunday after a pipeline burst in High Street.

And one angry Station Road resident believes it is high time that United Utilities replaced what he claims is faulty piping responsible for consistent interruptions to the supply.

Malcolm Warburton said: "I was without water for seven hours, from 6.45am to 1.45pm.

"It started when families are getting up in the morning and I imagine people who live here with children were absolutely out of their minds with this hassle.

"I have been told that they intend to put a new pipe in soon but I don't know why they have not done it sooner, because it is easy digging with the grass in the centre of the dual carriageway."

However, a United Utilities spokesman denied the company had any plans to replace the pipeline in the future, as the plastic pipe used was still modern in comparison to the iron piping being replaced elsewhere.

She said: "There was a burst water main in High Street for up to four hours on Sunday and up to a 1,000 people were affected.

"We do apologise for the loss of supply. However, engineers managed to get people out there pretty quickly and the supply was back up in four hours, with rerouted water being made available.

"There has been problems with poor water pressure in the past but these have been sorted out now. We will not be replacing the pipe as it is relatively new."