A TERRITORIAL Army IT technician received a visit from his Halton High School boss - in Bosnia!

Signaler Jimmy Walker, 23, has been serving with 98 Balkans Signal Squadran in Banja Luka, since May.

Their mission is to maintain secure phone and e-mail links for NATO forces throughout Bosnia and Kosovo.

Jimmy's business manager, Kathy Densmore flew out to see how he was getting on.

She said: "When I first thought of the TA I did not appreciate what they did. I was quite shocked to see the amount of work and it's really opened my eyes."

Kathy was one of five north west employees who accepted an invitation to travel to the Balkans from Supporting Britain's Reservists and Employers (SaBRE).

This organisation promotes the concept of reservists to employers and helps them overcome any difficulties or concerns.

Kathy learnt that 70 per cent of crime in London was directly linked to gangsters in the Balkans. Suppressing banditry out there is directly reducing the cost of crime in Britain.

A villain who was keeping scores of women locked in cages, destined to become prostitutes, was exposed in a recent NATO raid.

Kathy said: "What I have seen here will stay with me for decades."

Bachelor Jimmy volunteered to swap his IT job at Halton High School to look after hundreds of computers set up by the multi national force throughout the Balkans.

He is working with reservists from Canada, Holland and New Zealand.

"The best part is getting round different regiments from different nations. I'm getting more used to map-reading," quipped Jimmy.

Coping with soaring temperatures over 40 degrees, he recently enjoyed a break in the resort of Brac.

"The underwater diving was great," said Jimmy, a member of the north west TA Signals Regiment for four years.