NEVER have I seen a better example of the pot calling the kettle black than the comments made by the moron in the Warrington Guardian about the pollution in Widnes.

Come off it mate, I remember Thames Board Mills, Rylands and all the other steel works.

Anybody driving down Knutsford Road could see the river running with a large white froth on it.

Are Warrington people not aware of Vynamul and Laportes?

There are more landfill sites in Warrington (Gatewarth, Risley, Rixton) and that is not counting the town centre, which has to be one of the most unwelcoming places in Britain.

Widnes has supplied the world with life-saving and life-giving compounds to the detriment of the town's people and if the truth be known, so has Warrington.

I do not take offence at the poster and took it in good humour, but as they say, people who live in glasshouses should not throw stones.

In modern society we need these chemicals and without them there would be no Warrington or Widnes, as we know them.

Warrington has more beauty spots than Widnes but it is four times the size.

Peter Doyle, Henderson Road, Widnes