I WOULD like to respond to the letters written by members of the public in last week's World.

The proposed custody suite Cheshire Constabulary want to build at Manor Park, Runcorn will help the force to deliver much needed improvements to policing in the local communities we serve.

At the moment we have six custody facilities which no longer meet modern accommodation standards.

However, it is physically not possible to upgrade most of them.

The solution is for Cheshire Constabulary to build three new purpose built custody facilities, large enough and with enough staff to cater for the foreseeable demand.

The three suites will cover the western, central and eastern, and northern areas of the force.

We have spent a considerable amount of time identifying and evaluating sites across the area.

Manor Park was selected for the northern custody suite as it met our criteria, including how much natural security the site afforded, planning considerations and transport access.

We are fully aware of residents' concerns and take these concerns very seriously.

We do not intend to let crime in the area of any of our proposed facilities increase.

On the contrary Cheshire Constabulary will take whatever steps are necessary to reassure anyone living and working in the vicinity of one of our custody facilities that their security is of great concern to us.

The proposed facility at Manor Park is designed to increase public safety and reassurance and will provide an efficient and effective custody system which allows more criminals to be brought to justice. It will also enable police officers to spend more time on the beats.

Cheshire Constabulary is taking residents' concerns seriously and is committed to making Cheshire safer.

Ch Insp David Bertenshaw, project manager.