AN event dedicated to finding jobs for people in Vale Royal will take place later this month.

Vale Royal Jobsfair 2003 will be offering hundreds of people in the borough the chance to find a new job by teaming them up with employers and recruitment agencies from across the employment spectrum.

The fair, which has been co-ordinated by Vale Royal Borough Council, Winsford Jobcentre, Connexions, Cheshire County Council, the Learning and Skills Council and Arriva, will be held at Winsford Civic Hall on Monday, September 22, between 10am and 4pm.

Now in its fourth year, the fair will boast around 50 exhibitors who will be offering a variety of full and part time jobs from admin and clerical jobs through to production line positions.

And transport will also be provided free of charge on the day.

All people have to do is fill in a special coupon on flyers, available at the jobcentre or the council offices, and hand it to the driver on the Northwich to Winsford Arriva service to get a free lift to and from the jobsfair.

Iain Paton, economic development officer at the borough council, said: "Over the years the number of people attending and exhibiting has increased and the feedback has always been good. It started off just as a jobsfair for Christmas, but it's now about more long term employment.

"Last year 66 people got jobs in one day - which was a great result."