POLICE failed to convince Sandymoor residents at a public meeting that a new custody suite should be built near their homes.

Around 250 residents squeezed into the estate's new community centre last Tuesday to hear details of the proposed suite by Manor Farm.

A tense 90-minute meeting climaxed when a police representative asked the crowd 'at the end of the day, are you going to be completely against this?' and got a resounding 'yes'.

Chf Insp Dave Bertenshaw had told residents that new custody suites were needed to free up front line police and to replace outdated facilities.

He said the location met all their criteria and assured people custody staff could stop detainees being released if they thought they would commit crime.

But he faced tough questioning from local professionals with knowledge of the custody system.

To wild applause, a custody sergeant who lives on Sandymoor, said: "I work alongside a custody suite which has 35 cells, and I can tell you I would not live in a five mile radius of it."

The police said councillors and community leaders, who had been fully briefed on the plans, had given a positive response.

But they did not go into similar detail at the meeting and this frustrated the crowd who wanted more information.

The residents also shouted out alternatives such as West Bank, Astmoor and Widnes town centre.

Other concerns residents voiced at the meeting were whether immigrants could be released from the centre, if prisoners would be released at night and that there would not be extra police based in the area.

Officers present said the residents had many misconceptions about the suite.

The planning application will probably come before Halton council in October.