THE League of Friends of Warrington Hospital is celebrating a record breaking fund raising year.

So far this year they have raised £97,732 which raises the ten-year total to almost three quarters of a million pounds.

Huge amounts of cash have been spent on various pieces of hospital equipment such as - microscopes for pathology, an ultra-violet machine for dermatology treatment, a specialist x-ray machine for testing cancerous tissue and an electronic bed for the surgical appliance department.

A spokesman for the League of Friends said: "In every department of the hospital you will find evidence of the League's fundraising efforts, be it large pieces of equipment even down to small luxury items like toothbrushes, soap and shampoo.

"The League of Friends is run by a small dedicated staff of voluntary workers who make a huge commitment of time and effort, not only in fundraising but in the personal services given to patients.

"The only satisfying reward is knowing that what they do is for the good of the patients."

This year is the League's 40th anniversary. If anyone would like to make a donation of time or money, please contact the League of Friends office at the hospital on 635911 extension 2418.