A WOMAN parked outside her house for the first time in months at the weekend.

Annie Howarth felt it was safe to leave her car in Middle Walk after weeks of attacks by drunken yobs.

"Things do seem to have been a lot quieter," she said. "I am sleeping better at night because it seems to have calmed down."

Police increased their patrols in the street off Mobberley Road after meeting worried residents.

Thousands of pounds worth of damage had been inflicted on their cars in a series of late-night attacks. Yesterday (Tuesday) a police spokesman said uniformed officers had targeted the area. "They have had very high-profile policing with officers in high-visibility jackets," he said. "Anybody who had been doing the damage knows they are there."

Vandals had smashed wings mirrors, snapped aerials, pummelled a Peugeot 205 with a hammer and hurled a takeaway meal at a car.

Residents, who include teachers, a solicitor and company bosses, considered paying for CCTV or for wardens to patrol their street.

Many started to park their cars in Ella Grove, but a resident there reported them and police gave them a parking ticket.

Police agreed to more patrols, but despite the increased presence a couple returned from holiday this week to find their tyres slashed. Miss Howarth said she hoped to meet police again in two weeks.

"Maybe the fact the yobs think the police are here has been enough to make them think twice," she said.