YOUR article about Knutsford cinema is very timely.

Yes, you are right it is a superb facility, but what a pity that it is not well managed, at least not from my children's perspective?

My children have asked me to write to you to complain about the fact that they don't change the films frequently enough.

Nearly the whole holiday has been taken up by Pirates of the Caribbean, which one daughter saw three times in desperation, but she really wanted to see all the other summer films. That meant an expensive trip into Manchester on five occasions, and a miss for Knutsford.

At Christmas and New Year we had Harry Potter on for six weeks, followed by Lord of the Rings for another six weeks. They went to both, but there was nothing for adults for a whole three months so I dread the coming winter.

The next part of the trilogy will no doubt be given another six weeks.

Now whether this is commercial or not, I don't know, but as a community cinema, supported by the borough, they should be changing the films every week for a small community.

Perhaps two weeks at the most for a popular film, and then show something else, at least at another showing, perhaps the 8pm one.

So come on Knutsford cinema, show a wider selection please, and make the most of your community position instead of just making money and boring all us locals to tears.


Northwich Road
