I READ with interest your report in the Guardian's 'Local Life' section of the council's decision to refuse planning permission for an extension to a bungalow in Rosebank, Lymm, because it would be 'out of character' with the rest of the bungalows in the area.

While I am sympathetic to the residents of Rosebank, I do feel that it is another example of the sheer hypocrisy of Warrington Borough Council.

I live in a bungalow in Howard Avenue, Lymm, right next to a development of more than 400 houses that are currently being built on the Bucklow Gardens site in Oughtrington.

This was formerly green belt land. There is a mixture of two and three storey dwellings and much opposition to this development was expressed to the council prior to commencement of building.

However, as usual all, the objections fell on deaf ears, and the development went ahead regardless.

The result is that the backs of the bungalows along one side of Howard Avenue are now completely overlooked by the new houses. In my own situation, I have two huge three-storey houses looking directly onto the front of my bungalow, thereby restricting the light at the front.

Councillor Sheila Woodyatt states that the proposal for the extension to the bungalow in Rosebank would 'spoil the bungalow's distinctive outlook', which I have no doubt is true.

Why, then, did Warrington Borough Council refuse the planning permission for that particular proposal but agree to the ones for Bucklow Gardens?

It does not take any great mathematical genius to work out that the extension to the bungalow would result in little or no profit to the council, but 400-plus new houses bring in a considerable amount of revenue from council tax.

Maybe at some time in the future councils will stop thinking of profits and will start listening to the people who have to put up with the result of their refusal to preserve what precious little green belt land we have left.

However, I will not hold my breath.

