MAKE yourself heard - your community needs you!

That's the message from Orford ward councillors, who are appealing to residents to make contact and air their grievances about the area.

Clrs Mike Hannon, Kate Hannon and Terry Whelan are calling on everyone in the ward to sit down, make a wish list of the things that need to be improved in their neighbourhood, and then get in touch.

A panel will then look at the final list, and the items will be prioritised and addressed in order of importance and urgency.

Clr Mike Hannon said: "The main thing here is that we are actively consulting with the people that matter, the residents who live in the Orford ward. We have contacted residents' and tenants' associations and now we want to send a clear message out to the people.

"Anything that they think could be improved if the cash was there, anything which would make a difference and improve their area or surroundings needs to get back to us."

He added: "We fought long and hard to get approval for this street scene project and it's vital that people use this opportunity to let us know what needs to be done."

Items put forward can include anything that residents think need to be addressed and could include things like graffiti, fly tipping and security measures.

Residents will also have the chance to put forward ideas and recommendations as part of the borough council's environmental improvement fund.

This is aimed at supporting schemes which help to achieve the council's overall social inclusion objective through social and physical regeneration, environmental improvements and community safety. Bids for financial support from the £500,000 fund can be made via ward councillors.

You can contact Mike Hannon on 837622 or e-mail; Kate Hannon on 571945, or e-mail; and Terry Whelan on 652760, or e-mail