HERE are the first photographs of the Warrington Disability Partnership's new caravan home in Pensarn, North Wales.

The Warrington Guardian Charity of the Year has bought the caravan with internal funds and is looking for nearly £35,000 to help finance and equip the holiday home to provide holidays for disabled people and their families.

Work is to begin on constructing a metal veranda and ramp to surround the caravan and make it fully accessible.

Dave Thompson MBE, chairman of the Warrington Disability Partnership (WDP) said: "We will need to equip the caravan, for example, with a variety of kitchen utensils, cushions, quilts and pillows.

"A lot of groundwork is required too, with plans to create a garden for the home and we are looking at making a scooter available down there."

Warrington Disability Partnership provides a range of services to disabled people across the town, including free wheelchair loan, the Shopmobility scheme, and equipment, training and comprehensive advice.

The partnership has announced it will be holding its inauguaral Volunteer Recognition Awards at 2.30pm on Tuesday, March 29, at the Centre For Independent Living, Beaufort Street.

This is aimed at both celebrating '2005: ear of the Volunteer' and rewarding volunteers for the amount of valuable time they have given to the WDP.

The Mayor of Warrington will be in attendance to present all volunteers with the Mark Rushton Volunteer Recognition Award Certificate, which commemorates and recognises the contributions of a volunteer who recently died.