A GRAFFITI artist - believed to be a 60-year-old woman - defaced the advertising boards outside the former Royal George Hotel in King Street last week.

She spelt out her objection to the £10million development with a carefully-crafted message to passers-by.

"As graffiti goes, it's quite neat," said one trader yesterday (Tuesday).

Police were called to King Street on Thursday after a member of developer Philip Hughes' team discovered the scrawling.

In her rush not to be seen the woman missed the 't' out of Knutsfordians.

But she still had time to pose a question to the people of Knutsford: Do you really want this boring, facile, architectural faade on or near your high street?

She went on to rubbish the plans for a new row of shops, offices, apartments and two restaurants as 'bland and faceless'.

One trader, who asked not to be named, went further yesterday when discussing the woman's handiwork.

"The artist's impression makes it what's proposed look like a prison block," he said. "I'm sure it will look nice when it is finished though."

The Royal George Hotel had been at the centre of Knutsford for centuries and it was where Princess Victoria dined before she became Queen.

Yesterday Mr Hughes had still not decided whether to press charges against the woman, who police refused to name.

He said it would cost about £400 to replace the board because the graffiti did not rub off.

"I disagree with the comments that have been written," he said.

"Our original intention was to put an old-fashioned Georgian style building there, but it wasn't allowed by English Heritage.

"I am not saying we don't like what is going to be there because we do, but the reason it is minimalist is entirely to match English Heritage's wishes."

Police yesterday confirmed they were investigating.