HEARTBROKEN Joseph Kinsella, 10, was reunited with his stolen bike - minutes after the Widnes World was published last week.

His bright orange 'Ghetto' rally bike disappeared from a computer games shop while his brother, Robert 11, borrowed it.

Julie Horrocks, manager of the British Heart Foundation charity shop in Albert Square, said: "We found the bike in a little entry at the back of our shop. We get a lot of donations left there but we knew straight away nobody leaves a brand new bike."

Two other generous World readers offered to give Joseph a bike and another person wanted to donate money to help him buy a replacement.

"He's made up," said his nan, Janet. "He shot downstairs and we went out for the bike as soon as the shop opened.

"It's really lovely that people have been so generous, there is a God after all. It restores your faith in humankind.

"When I told one woman that we'd found Joseph's bike, she said his brother could have it. I can't thank everyone enough."