A MIDDLEWICH councillor is backing a father's peaceful campaign to support parents who have become separated from their children.

Town councillor Chalky White says he will attend a candlelight vigil organised by Richard Warner, of St Anne's Avenue, in aid of raising awareness for support group Dads UK.

Richard became involved with Dads UK, after he was separated from his son Cameron when he split up from his partner last year.

At present the 29-year-old sees Cameron, aged three, for five hours each fortnight and his continuing court battle for access has lead him to help organise the vigil at South Cheshire Magistrate's Courts later this month.

He said: "In this country family courts tend to be biased against dads and children are losing contact with their dads.

"Candles 4 Kids will be a peaceful candlelight vigil across the UK and we want to try and get across to the public how the family courts work."

Clr White said he did not hesitate to offer his support to Richard when he made contact.

He said: "Children should have access to both parents and the law at present does not always allow that to happen quickly enough. I also think that dads are often treated as second rate citizens."

He added: "I would urge as many councillors and members of the public as possible to turn up and show their support."

Richard said: " At the end of the day it is the children who end up suffering and we want to try and highlight that."

The candlelight vigil will take place at the court in Crewe at 7.30pm on Friday, April 22 and Richard is hoping to organise a similar event at Vale Royal Magistrate's Court in Northwich.

l For more information about the vigil visit www.candles4kids.co.uk. If you would like to speak with Richard about the vigil he can be contacted by e mailing rich_shot2003@yahoo.co.uk or ringing 01606 841994.