FOLLOWING a major reshuffle in the structuring of Cheshire's policing there is a new bobby on the beat in Middlewich.

As reported in the Guardian last month, Middlewich Police Station will be home to 11 officers dealing with crime and disorder and PC Alison Wright, of Congleton Community Action Team, is one of the new faces who is now based at the station.

PC Wright has spent the past few months shadowing PC Amy Fletcher, who has been the CAT officer for the town since last June, but on Monday she officially began her role as one of what is soon to be a three strong team of officers dedicated to Middlewich.

PC Wright, 28, is looking forward to the challenge and says one of her biggest priorities is making contact with residents and keeping people informed.

She said: "I've started working with other agencies such as Middlewich Vision, the pub watch scheme and Middlewich Clean Team. I'll also be going to the primary schools and to talk to the children and parents about road safety."

She added: "Being a CAT officer gives me the chance to make a difference in people's lives. CAT team work is lower level crime but you can get a lot of satisfaction and it makes people have a better quality of life."

PC Fletcher, who moved to Nantwich Police Station on Monday, said she has enjoyed the 10 months she has spent in the town and will be particularly sad to let go of her Pub Watch responsibilities.

l PC Alison Wright can be contacted by the voicemail facility, which is checked on a daily basis, by ringing 01244 613538. The email address is c&